Huron Valley Service Dogs
Huron Valley Service Dogs provides training and support for owner-trained service dog teams, as well as support for working service dogs that need additional tasks or further development of tasks.
Our Philosophy
HVSD believes that any individual whose life can be improved with a trained service dog should have one. We support those individuals and their goal of a self-sufficient life by assisting with training (both owner-trained dogs as well as offering HVSD trained dogs*), offering support programs, and advocating for our clients. We will always operate with complete transparency and open communication.
Our Values
HVSD pledges to treat all of our clients with respect and compassion and to work with each team (client and dog) to provide safe, humane, and scientifically based training, remembering always that each team is unique and the path to the end goal may vary for each team.
HVSD only uses positive reward-based training methods and will never use, suggest, or encourage our teams to reach training goals using aversive methods or tools.

* please note fully-trained dogs are only available occasionally and when we have puppy raisers available to to assist us.
We do have a waitlist for fully-trained dogs which is currently about three years.